Social Media:
You can stay connected and updated with us by following our social media!
Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter: @thereal_gasc
Facebook: The Georgia Association of Student Councils
Tips and Tricks for your StuCo:
During these unexpected times, things may get a little crazy and it may be harder to stay involved with your student council. Stay in touch!
Get the word out about monthly student council meetings
Organize optional meetings to discuss plans and ideas for the coming year
Keep the schedule and agenda fresh
Begin planning for the elections of your executive board
Online Workshop ideas:
Due to the unprecedented times, many of the larger GASC events like summit and district conferences may be done online. Here are some fun ideas!
Title: Online Blanket Flip
In this game, you split the group up into two teams. Then group leaders present each team with a riddle/puzzle. The group leaders will give no such directions to work together as a team, and will observe how the students react and what their first instinct is when they are placed in a group with one common problem. This will lead the students to eventually work together to solve the puzzle.
Advisor of the Month
If you wish to nominate YOUR advisor for Advisor of the Month, click the google link below
Quote of the Month
"Choose the positive. You have choice, you are the master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success."
- Bruce Lee
Meme of the month:

Feedback and Advice
If you have any questions, comment, or concerns, please feel free to email us at
Thank You!
Thank you for reading this edition of The Consulus! See you next time!
