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January 2020 Edition

Writer: The ConsulusThe Consulus

Social Media:

You can stay connected and updated with us by following our social media!

Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter: @thereal_gasc

Facebook: The Georgia Association of Student Councils


Student Council Activities:

Establish a Mindset

This is a great activity to do with your student council! First start by drawing a box in the middle of a large piece of paper. Inside the box you will write words that you want your student council to be associated with or what you want your student council to be. For example, some words you could include are inclusive, inspiring, and motivating. Outside of the box, you will put words that you do not want you student council to be. Have students take turns contributing words to the poster. At the end of the activity, you will have a poster that will serve as a visual representation of what you want and do not want your student council to be. This is a great way to set up a positive mindset of your student council and how you want it to be moving forward in the semester.


State Service Project: Bert's Big Adventure

It is not too late to fundraise for GASC's State Service Project! Every member school's goal is to raise at least $500. GASC's goal is $20,000! If you would like to find more ideas on how to fundraise, visit GASC Gazette's November Edition. Click here to be taken there!


GASC Convention:

We are so excited to share with you that registration for GASC 2020 Convention is live and ongoing! This is an amazing experience that includes workshops, keynote speakers and more! Students will be able to network with delegates from across the state of Georgia. Our theme this year is "Explore Your Inner Leader". If you would like more information, please visit the GASC website, linked here. We can't wait to see you there!


Running for Office:

Are you interested in running for Middle School Member At Large? Middle School Member at Large is a position that plans and conducts middle school programming at GASC events. Each school running for office MUST submit a Letter of Intent containing the signatures of both the candidate school's advisor and principal by email. This letter must be sent to the GASC Parliamentarian, as well as, the GASC Executive Director. If you have any questions regarding running for office, please visit the GASC website or email the GASC Parliamentarians at


Meme of the Month:


Quote of the Month:


Thank you for reading this month's edition of the Consulus! If you have ideas on how we can improve this newsletter or feedback, please feel free to comment or email us, Please consider subscribing to our site to be notified immediately when a new post uploads.

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