Social Media:
You can stay connected and updated with us by following our social media!
Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter: @thereal_gasc
Facebook: The Georgia Association of Student Councils
Ways to Improve your StuCo
One way to improve your StuCo is to hold a StuCo retreat! This can be at your very own school or someplace else of your choosing. Make this retreat all about bonding and getting to know the members of your student council! Include fun games/energizers as well as a couple workshops to keep StuCo members engaged.
Workshop Ideas
How To Create A Close Knit Family
Supplies needed: two yarn balls and a beach ball.
In this workshop, students will create a close knit family with one another. Workshop leaders will split students into two groups and give each group a ball of yarn. They will go around randomly and share facts about themselves. Once one person shares a fact about themselves (For example, siblings, pets, sports, etc.) they will hold one to that part of the yarn string, and throw it randomly to a person. As the yarn string gets passed more and more, the students will learn more about each other and the bonding web is created. Three main rules in creating the close knit web; Don’t pass it to the person next to you, try to avoid creating a pattern and never let go off your strings! After the webs look strong and full, the two groups will test their close knit family and compete in a game of beach volleyball! They will pass the beach ball around ONLY using the net. This will not only encourage bonding, but communication too. The group that wins the beach volleyball game created a better knit family and showed off their collaboration skills. This workshop is great and fun for your student council and we highly recommend it!
Random Acts of Kindness
With the end of the year approaching, students tend to forget one of the most important things, to be kind! That is why we have dedicated one week in our school as Random Acts of Kindness Week! Random acts of kindness week is all about being kind to the peers of your school. Involve the students by making a kindness tree around each grade level where students can write on sticky notes the acts of kindness they have done. Students can then stick these sticky notes onto the tree and watch as the tree grows with generosity. Make it a competition between each grade level to see whose tree is the most decorated. Another thing your student council can do is decorate the cafeteria with posters sporting positive quotes and happy vibes! This will remind students to be kind as well as brighten up the room.
Quote of the Month
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop
Meme of the Month

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